Thursday, May 20, 2010

'The people have always some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness…This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when the first appears to be their protector." - Plato -



MSNBC Admits Obama Care Increases Costs

Even the radical left admits ObamaCare will increase costs.

Mexican President Misrepresents AZ Law While Admitting His Laws Are More Strict

Mexican President Calderon admitted on CNN with Wolf Blitzer last night that if they find people in the country without permission, they "send them back." 

Yet earlier in the day, Calderon said the Arizona law, which simply enforces a federal law, was "terrible."

Calderon says that Mexico has changed/relaxed some of its immigration laws and will continue to do so (but, notably, it's still "illegal" to enter Mexico illegally, and they will deport you if found). now they'll have even MORE criminals coming through their country, often on the way to the U.S.  This is all the more reason to secure our borders ASAP.

By the way, Amnesty International released a report last month that concluded that tens of thousands of legal/illegal immigrants coming into Mexico face epidemic abuse in the country, and that even  "public officials turn a blind eye or even play an active part in kidnappings, rapes and murders!"  Over 5,000 of them in just 6 months!

So which is more humane?  Having a police force & justice system that actually kidnaps, rapes and murders immigrants?  Or one that doesn't do these things, but does ask suspected illegals for documents they're already required (by Federal law) to carry?  Obviously, immigrants would rather be asked for 'papers' than raped, kidnapped or murdered in Mexico, or they wouldn't have left Mexico.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

If You're Against AZ Immigration Law, You're FOR Illegal Immigration.

Having actually read Arizona's new immigration law (unlike the mainstream media, or even Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, or State Department spokesman P. J. Crowley), I can say unequivocally that anyone AGAINST this fair/common-sense/desperately needed law is FOR Illegal Immigration, whether realized/intended or not. Period. And anyone FOR illegal immigration is literally AGAINST "America," in that a nation that doesn't enforce its border is no nation at all.

That may sound harsh, but it's inescapable truth.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

"One must differentiate between one’s thoughts and one’s emotions with full clarity and precision…No discussion, cooperation, agreement or understanding is possible among men who substitute emotion for proof." – Ayn Rand

Ask yourself who in our country is the master of emotion right

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Obama's National Security Policy - Hope we get Lucky

Not sure if you're a fan of Ann Coulter's "polically incorrect" humor, but this made me both laugh out loud & cry (because of how true/dangerous the facts are). I found it very well done. "OBAMA NATIONAL SECURITY POLICY: HOPE THEIR BOMBS ...DON'T WORK" at

Saturday, May 1, 2010

"I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites on the labor of the industrious." Thomas Jefferson, 1816.