- A return to our Founding (i.e., Conservative/Judeo-Christian-based) Principles. We must defeat Obama and the left's continued attempts at Fed. Gov't takeover/assault on personal freedom & state's rights. www.wallbuilders.com has great info on this.
- A resurgence of State's rights. America's 'grand experiment' was supposed to be a way for individual, sovereign states to compete for citizens, who could vote w/their feet if they didn't like a state's policies. Great new book on this: www.jasonlewisbook.com.
- Cutting the Federal Gov't (spending, departments, and employees) by significant levels. Say, 90%.
- Stopping the bailouts.
- Reducing taxes on everyone, especially the "rich" (i.e., job-producers) & businesses which will increase freedom & economic prosperity for all. Eliminate the death tax and capital gains tax. Reduce or eliminate corporate taxes. Support the Fair Tax.
- Repealing Obama-care. If we don't do this, we are literally doomed, collectively and, for many who will experience Obama's death panels, individually. Institute free market principles in the healthcare market (i.e., buying over state lines the kind of policy you (not the Fed Gov't) want). Stop the Republicans who want to force Insurance companies to cover "pre-existing conditions" (as Rush says, that's not insurance, it's welfare).
- Return of Family Values. This includes a Constitutional amendment to protect marriage as one man/one woman.
- Stopping the outrageous regulations Obama's imposing, such as regulating the Internet, Food Industry, Energy Sector, transportation, guns and everything else. Get the gov't out of the way. If it's not their job to do, it shouldn't be done, period.
- Dramatically fewer abortions. COMPLETELY defund Planned Parenthood.
- A willingness of conservatives to fight on all levels to save America. If this requires marching in the streets, so be it.
- A national awakening to the Truths contained in the Bible, and to the perils of embracing any other teaching.
- A willingness to take on and protect ourselves from radical Islam.
- Seal the border physically and virtually.
- Make it easier to find & deport illegal immigrants, especially ones who use our benefits (i.e., healthcare system), have broken the law in other ways, etc. Let states require proof of citizenship. Make the USA in-hospitable to illegals.
- End the "anchor-baby" policy.
- For a rock-solid, conservative, freedom/America-loving, Reagan-like leader to rise to prominence who will fearlessly reinvigorate a love in America for our Constitutional Freedoms.
- Repeal the ban of regular light bulbs and protect ourselves from government-mandated, mercury-filled, hazardous & more expensive florescent ones.
- Defund/eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts, NPR (National Public Radio), The Department of Education, just for starters.
- Stop the ability of Federal employees to unionize.
- Eliminate the TSA (Transportation Security Admin) and let the airlines run their own security.
- Implement a strong-dollar policy instead of the weak-dollar policy of the Fed.
- Let Fannie & Freddie go bankrupt and get the Fed Gov't out of the money/lending business. Stop requiring them to give loans to people who won't pay them back.
- Confront, militarily if necessary, Iran & North Korea to protect our interests & allies.
- Keep up with, even re-surpass China's intense military investments/developments.
- Drill baby drill. Lift the ban/restrictions on off-shore drilling. Make on-shore drilling much easier.
- Let clean coal and clean natural gas flourish.
- Let states and/or private businesses build as many nuclear energy reactors as needed.
- Ensure that illegal community activist/voter-registration activities by groups such as ACORN are prosecuted and defunded permanently.
- Fix the bureaucracy in the Pentagon so our troops & commanders get what they need more quickly & more efficiently. Improve (i.e., make more free-market) Veteran healthcare.
- Fix Social Security. Allow individuals to direct their own contributions. Stop Congress from continuing to raid the money being paid in.
- Work to reduce the ranks on Medicare, Medicaid, SSI, Food Stamps, etc.
- Reduce the minimum wage.
- Dramatically reduce unemployment benefits and require those on it to legitimately seek work. Also, look at requiring them to repay all/some of their benefits.
- Stop all attempts to make gun ownership & carrying by law-abiding citizens more difficult.
- Require all Congressmen to personally read each and every bill prior to voting on it.
- Require all current and new Congressmen to regularly read and be tested on the contents of the U.S. Constitution/Declaration of Independence.
- Stop the destruction of private property rights (i.e., eminent domain, smoking laws, fat/salt laws, etc.).
- Require all new citizens to speak English.
- Permanently extend the Bush Tax Cuts
- Implement Strategic Missile Defense and upgrade our nuclear arsenal. Repeal the START treaty.
- Reinstate Don't Ask Don't Tell
- Withdraw from the United Nations, stop all funding of it, ensure that they exert NO control over anything the US or Americans do (i.e., internet, taxes, energy, etc.), and see if we can expel them from the US.
- Eliminate all taxpayer funding for abortions here and abroad.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
My Hopes for 2011
As we turn the page on 2010 and head to 2011, here are my hopes for America (note, I've purposefully limited these to thoughts about our country, leaving off personal hopes). I know some are more likely than others, but, hey, one can hope:
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