The non-paritisan Center for Responsive Politics publishes public data on political contributions. If you think you know which party benefits the most from "special interest" groups (cash), then their list of the "Top 10 Heavy Hitter Contributors" to federal political figures since 1989 will blow you away.
It shows that 7 of the 10 top donators are UNIONS who gave overwhelmingly to DEMOCRATS. Would you believe they gave $263,500,000 to Democrats? That's an average of 82% to them and just 18% to Republicans.
Of the top 10, only AT&T, Goldman Sachs and the Realtors Assn are the non-union groups, and wouldn't you know it, 2 of those 3 have given more to democrats, and the other is equally split. Six of the other top 7 groups gave over 90% to Democrats, the other one gave over 64%!
What a shame, but it explains some of what's going on in Washington.
The following is a summary of what each of the top 10 groups has given since 1990:
#1 AT&T averages 45% to Dems/55% to Repubs but gave almost evenly (49%/51%) in election 2008 and is 50%/50% so far in 2010.
#2 American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) - 99% to Dems! Over $41 million to Dems, just $550,000 to Republicans! How sick is it that a gov't workers union is spending millions to perpetuate their gov't jobs?
#3:Realtors: 48%/51%
#4 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW): 98% to Dems, over $30 million. Who would have guessed they were the 4th largest special interest group?
#5: Goldman Sachs. Surprise, surprise. Wouldn't you know it - this "evil bank," gave an avg of 64% to Dems! Over $20 million compared to $11m for repubs. Oh, and in 2008, the "year of the bailout," they gave over $4.4 million to Dems and just $1.4m to repubs, a 75% to 25% spread. That's their biggest gap in 10 years. Interesting.
#6. American Association for Justice (AAJ). Formerly the Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA). 91% to Dems (over $28 million), and since 2006, it's been over 95%. And you wonder why we can't pass Tort Reform.
#7. National Education Association (NEA). The teachers. 93% to Dems. Over $28m. Wow, just wow. Let's hear it for a balanced education. Now you know why we can't reform schools.
#8. Laborers Union, 92% to Dems, over $26.7m.
#9. Teamsters Union, 93% to Dems, over $26m. In 2008, it was 97% to dems.
#10. Service Employees Int'l Union (SEIU). The largest & fastest growing union in the country. Note, its head is Obama's #1 White House Visitor. 96% to Dems, over $26.7m. Interestingly, in 2010 so far, they've given 100% to Dems and -1% "-$5,000" to Repubs (negative money). Who do you think was one of the biggest supporters of ObamaCare? And who do you think has some of the most goodies thrown to them in ObamaCare? Yep, SEIU. Liberty Chick has a great article about that here.
The full list of the top 100 is here and it gets even more interesting.
Of the top 100, only ONE group, Amway, #88 on the list, has given over 90% to Republicans (they've given 100%), totaling $8m. Whereas, 21 of the top 100 groups have given OVER 90% TO DEMOCRATS!! Including 12 of the top 20 groups!
The first group on the list to give significantly more to Repubs in the last 10 years is #13 is the American Medical Assn, but since 2008, they've given 56% to Dems. Overall w/AMA, there's only a small gap of 40% to Dems and 60% to Repubs.
The hated Nat'l Rifle Assn (NRA) is #37 on the list, giving 82% to Republicans, a far cry from the % the top 20 give to Dems. Since 1990, BTW, NRA's total contributions to Republicans is $14 million, about 1/3 (33%) of what AFSCME has given to Democrats in the same period.
Freddie Mac, a government-created/regulated mortgage company, has spent $9m since 1990 to lobby the legislators who regulate it. Nice. While they average 43%/57% Dems to Repubs, so far in 2010, they're giving 81% to Dems. Can you say "bailout cash??"
24 of the top 100 are unions. Every single one of them gives significantly more to Dems.
Overall, the top 100 gave nearly $1 Billion to Dems and $625m to Republicans.
So, just who is beholden to special interests?????????